Hope, Fate and Healing

As we begin a new year under the auspices of a promising new administration, I again share Hope with you…..there is simply no more appropriate an image (or sentiment) at this time.

There’s so much more I could say on this subject, but will instead share with you a poem inspired by HOPE, written by my great friend, Philip Conkling.


My Fate

The mooring line is slack enough,
The tide’s drained down the bay.
The island spruce just lit enough,
To cast off for another day.

I know ever’ inch of this boat,
And the yard where I got her.
What she’ll do and what she won’t --
I named her for my daughter.

It used to be you set your gear
And tended traps by the shore.
The fishing deal was pretty clear;
You’d go hard to make more.

 Storms at sea, I can weather --
Watch the sky, feel the swell,
And how birds flock together.
But then last fall, it went to hell,

And hasn’t gotten better.
Never thought there’d come a day
When I feared to be a debtor-
Hauling to keep the bank at bay.

Overhead the glowing rush
Washes heavens in belief.
Will the season bring relief?
My fate’s in hands I trust.

And now, trusting to all the forces that be, let us hope that this new year and tide change will bring with it the beginning of the healing our country so achingly needs.

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